Small Grants Call
Open to all University of Edinburgh staff
Staff at the University of Edinburgh are invited to submit small grant proposals, addressing the theme of social change through innovation.
Following the success of previous DDI-supported open calls, the DDI initiative has allocated £250,000 to be released as small grants to support staff at the University of Edinburgh applying data-driven innovation ideas to support Theme 5 of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal ‘Social Change through Innovation’.
About the Small Grants Call
There will be a portfolio approach to the funding, with more funding targeted at small £10k projects, and a smaller number of medium and large £25k and £50k projects. The DDI initiative is aiming to fund circa 10 x £10,000 projects, 2 x £25,000 projects, and 2 x £50,000 projects. Successful proposals will need to align with at least one of the DDI Innovation Hubs and support the delivery of one or more quantified DDI TRADE objectives.
The Small Grants Call is now open for submissions and closes at 3pm on 2nd December 2022. Projects will be expected to run for approximately 12-16 weeks, with a target start date of 1st February. All projects must be completed by 31st May 2023.
Please read the guidance information before downloading and completing the application form.
For more details on the open call, please read the guidance information, or contact:
Gemma Cassells: | Microsoft Teams
The DDI Programme Office hours will be every Wednesday from 11-12pm from the launch of the call, until it closes on 2nd December, where staff will be available to answer questions via Microsoft Teams. The call will be hosted in the ‘General’ channel of the DDI Small Grants Call team. This team is public, so should show up via search, or via the link.
Application form
Download the Word doc application form for the Small Grants Call
Guidance form
Download the Word doc guidance form for the Small Grants Call