Health & social care
Innovation with data is vital in the response to public health challenges. Our data storage infrastructure the DataLoch combined with research expertise at the Usher Institute are helping drive further improvements in population health, treatments, and health systems management, from tackling the challenges of increasing number of people living with long term conditions to delays in hospital discharge; and ever increasing drug costs.

Our Health & Social Care Hub
Usher Institute
Through the application of data science, the Usher Institute will aim to develop innovative and financially sustainable models of health and social care that improve lives.
Located at Edinburgh BioQuarter, the Institute will become a world-leading hub where up to 600 health and social care researchers and scientists will collaborate with colleagues from public, private and third sectors organisations to deliver data-driven advances.
For more information contact:
Colleen Hubbard, Head of Engagement and Partnerships, Health and Social Care Data Driven Innovation (HSCDDI)